How To Stop Gossip In The Work Place

Are you able to spot a gossiper?

This is a skill you need to either have or need to develop. Knowing how to spot a gossiper can help you maintain longevity in your position. It will help you avoid drama and unwanted attention.

What if gossiper’s talk to you?

This was an issue I had for a while. When you are naturally social, almost every one, or a good amount of people will greet you or make small talk. This includes the gossiper’s.

RED FLAG * Gossiper’s will first test you by giving their opinion on others you work with. How you respond will be your defense mechanism.

Pay attention to key words like, “I like this person,” or “So and so is cool.” This is a dead give away! Eventually this person will have a rainy day, and the same way they expressed their likes, they will express their dislikes. Expect it, and dont be surprised.

Here is how you remain neutral:

Listen to the bad, and respond with, “We ALL have our days.” This has worked for me many times. It causes the person to self reflect. If this is an aggressive gossiper, they will make multiple attempts to reel you in. Always respond with positivity. Trust and believe, they will get bored, and stop because they cannot feed off of your negativity.

So, learn how to spot a gossiper, and have a Plan B for future gossiping events. This also works with groups.

Know what you will will say when the time comes.

Gossip can cause stress, anxiety, and lots of drama. This is a complete imbalance which would not allow you to live your best Holistic Life. You have the power to protect your soul at every moment. Take your power back.

Check out my short video:Stop Gossip @Work !

“Stay Balance

How To Be Employee Of The Month Every Month!

Here we go…

This will be short and sweet, I promise.

Employee of the month is probably non existant these days. What I’m actually referring to is being your best self every month at your job.

Have goals within your job description. These goals should consist of company quotas, team goals, your personal goals, and you working toward an END goal.

Figure out how you can progress within your title. Are you already a model employee? Have you mastered your position? What else do you want out of this opportunity.

Getting comfortable at your job means you are not progressing. You are stagnant when you’re not in motion. If you are content with that, fine, this article is not for you.

For the go getter who always wants more, listen up. If you haven’t mastered your positon I’d suggest you do so. Why? Having goals within your position automatically gives you an advantage over your co-workers.

Your boss will notice your “goal oriented self”, and you will be placed in leadership postion if you are consistant every month.

Ever notice a co-worker complain they didn’t get a promotion, or they use the excuse “they just don’t like me.” Run! Don’t be this individual, and don’t associate with them either. This will diminish YOUR image. “Birds of a feather flock together.”

So plan your success ahead. Meet your monthly goals, stay consistent, and always protect your image.

Being in an environment where you can excel is a wonderful thing. Make the best of your situation. Living a holistic life means being your best self, ALWAYS.


“Stay Balanced”






Do I Want a Job, Or Do I Want To Work For Myself?

The Fork In The Road…

If you landed here somehow it’s no accident. People who ask themselves this question have a natural entreprenual spirit.

The fact that someone even asks themselves this question means you already found your answer.

This was a question I asked myself many times, following being fired. I noticed this cycle of being fired never having an end.

At every job I had ever worked, I worked my ass off, kissed some ass, and used every ounce of energy I had to put my best foot forward. It was never good enough.

The most shocking and traumatic fire was being let go for having a “poor attitude.” I was devastated that my bright eyed bushy tail self would ever be considered as such. The job rhymes with Sheezy Shpazz, it was a customer service job dealing with TOLL.  This was one place out of many where I went out of my way to be kind to co-workers and clients.

It hit me. No matter how “good” I was, I would never be a perfect candidate for any job. The reason was because spiritually I was meant to do more.

Some people excel at jobs, and some get tired of being fired. I always knew I was greater than a job. You might be wondering how spirituality plays a role in making the decision to work for yourself. Here is how:

This decision is based on your intuition. Follow your heart. Jobs can be extremely beneficial for those who are good at it and find their place in the workforce. What I’ve learned the last ten years is not to force things, and I’m not about that job life.

The universe has ways of placing situations before us, forcing us to grow. So I’ve spent the last ten years being a master at getting fired. You will come to a place called the “the fork in the road”, here you will contemplate whether looking for a better job or deciding to work for yourself is best for you.

The FEAR of constantly getting fired drove me to seek other financial options. In which I did. I don’t make much right now, but I’m here to tell you it’s completely worth it.

If you are on the fence about this decision, just remind yourself of all your firing experiences, and know that working for yourself can be a permanent solution.





Why You Keep Getting Fired!

Getting fired is always a hard pill to swallow. Especially when you feel like the reasons for your unemploymemt were not your fault. Likability, race, age, and sexual orientation sometimes play a major role in why people are let go.

Main reason people are fired:

You are always late–  Employers hate when you are late. It shows your co-workers including your boss, that you don’t value their time. No one is perfect and its okay to be late SOMETIMES, just don’t make it a habit.

Gossip/Hanging with bad co-workers:

It might be fun to hang out with the joksters, gossiper’s, or even the bosses “fav”, but BEWARE it’s a terrible idea. Those co-workers who seem fun already have a “target” on their back, and are usually on their way out, you just don’t know it yet. Some employers build up silent rap sheets for those problematic employees. You being associated with them raises an eyebrow to the higher-ups. Don’t be next on the list. Create your own work image.

Not Being Adaptable- Be Transparent

If you are have trouble adapting to a specific work culture, you may want to work on that. If you don’t fit in, you may make your co-workers or boss uncomfortable because they might not be able to connect with you. Work on your adaptability, that way you will always be easy to approach, and even easier to work alongside.

You Always Complain!

Complaining at a job about the very job you signed up for is redundant, and it’s annoying for others to have to listen to you complain. Children complain, adults CHANGE. You know how the company works. It is their system, in which you are assisting in. Don’t mistake a job for your own company. If you have THAT MANY complaints, that environment is not suited for you.

Living a Hoslistic Life means always remaining true to yourself. The average person is at work more than they are home. ALWAYS create a balanced work life for yourself so you can live your best Holistic Life.

“Stay Balanced”





Religion Vs. Spiritually

This has been a question that has been asked over centuries. Which is better?…

I’ve been through at least 5 different religions in the last 10 years. I was searching for “god”, just like anyone else, any, and everywhere.

What I found interesting was each religion I sought felt the same. I was always seeking to “find” the ONE TRUE GOD. I went to countless bible studies, meditated with Buddhists, went to Harlem, NY and learned from 5 percenters on being God, went back to the Christian Church for more bible studies because I thought I “missed something”, became an Atheist from being religiously exhausted, and finally, I’m just SPIRITUAL god damnit!

The most important lesson I learned was no matter what religion I sought, it was all the same. It all leads to one true being, us.

Since I had taken in so much information over the years, I was able to start connecting the dots, it became clear to me that ALL religions follow the same template.

Now… Where does that put someone who cannot decide between spirituality and religion?

Here is how you decide:

Decide whether you like the thought of spiritually being conrtolled, if that makes you feel safe and secure, or whether you’d like the thought of having no boundries when it comes to your own spirituality.

What I really mean is, religion is controlled due to the fact that there are rules set it place before you. Whereas spiritually acknowledges god in all forms, not limiting any experiences you may have, or would like to reach.

So this choice is available for every one. Always be true to yourself whether you decide to be religious or spiritual.

Stay Balanced.

When The Government Shuts Down…

How To Start Over : When The Government Shuts Down

The thought of losing a job, or actually losing your job is a terrifying thought. When our basic necessities are taken away, we no longer have the ability to fuction normally.

According to Maslows Heirarchy of Basic Needs, we all need phsical survival needs (food, sleep, oxygen, and shelter), physical safety ( from danger, harm, or being attacked), love and belonging (friends, and family), self esteem (confidence), and self-fulfillment met.

Abraham Maslow was a psychologist who was devoted to finding out how people got the best out of themselves.

When we have our basic neccesities, fear of lacking simply doesn’t exist, and fear cannot thrive where it is non existent.


An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous and likely to cause pain.


Check Your Emotions:


A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

When we are able to control our emotions, we are then able to control the outcome of ANY situation. Yes! Any!

One method that really works is to be mindful of how you feel in every situation. Notice what makes you frustrated, angry, happy, excited, etc. Take note of yourself!

Once you have enough notes to draw conclusions about yourself, use this as your template for future emotional events.

This is your HOLY GRAIL…


Come up with a strategic plan for getting yourself out of this mess. Consider your options. What can you do to fix it? What is impossible to fix? What steps can you take within your control?

Exude every option until you can’t think of anymore. I would suggest not spending more than a day on this. If you have to spend more time, do this process for one hour at a time, whenever you can. Remember, you need a plan now, the longer you wait, the more time passes by.

I like to call this part of the journey “Conception.”. It’s a plan, within a plan, within a plan…

Ultimately you are conceiving every step of the way, planting seeds that will eventually blossom.

With all of your options considered, come up with a SECOND STRATEGY. This second plan’s purpose is to map out all ways you can avoid being placed in the event that caused you to lose everything in the first place.

If you were let go from a job, perhaps the next job you could take note on WHAT went wrong. Did you make any mistakes? How can you avoid it next time?

You may have to step down off your stallion for a moment to really analyze your true self. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes.

If you are DONE WITH JOBS this is a perfect time to start a business. You may have to work a part time job in the beginning to be financially stable, but eventually you can leave your 9-5 and pursue your passions.

Don’t think of starting over as a bad thing. There are levels to this shit. Think of yourself as LEVELING UP, and the universe is supporting your elevation.

So go ahead! We challenge you to get through this next level in your life!

Holistic Life Sciences is always here to help. Feel free to email, comment, or follow for more content!

How To Live Your Dreams

Happy 2019!

Many start their New Year off with resolutions. I’m very reluctant to create New Year’s resolutions for the mere fact that they don’t work. With that being said, what really helps to start fresh is deciding the life you’d like to have moving forward.

I used to be one of those people who never “had time” to do the things I love. Or in order for me to live my dreams, I had to save money or have the funds to start a business.

I felt it was truly impossible to work a 9 to 5 and peruse my dreams at the same time. That’s because it was true. I didn’t have a plan to juggle both, making the thought extremely far fetched.

I went through countless YouTube videos, read tons of articles, and still, I had no idea where to begin living my dreams. I just knew I was tired of doing the same thing over and over. I needed a plan.

I didn’t grow up with elders who knew how to become wealthy, along with creating a passive income. They only knew how to guide us in survival.

Im thankful I had all of my basic needs met growing up. But, when you are an adult paying bills, going to work, and waking up everyday just to do it all over again, is not satisfying.

So how do you start to live your dreams?…

Start with a plan.

The first thing I did was I wrote down all of the things I was dissatisfied with in all areas of my life that I was unhappy about.

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” Benjamin Franklin

Secondly, I jotted down all of my resources and expenses to give myself a reference of where I was financially to see if it was even possible to take small steps to fulfilling my dreams.

Then, I took a few days away from what I wrote, down to figure out what my DREAM life really meant. You will be surprised at what you discover. This part of the process really gave me hope. It made me realize that what I wanted to attain was actually not that hard to achieve.

The more research I did, the easier it became. I found that my dreams ended up being goals. All I needed to get to my dreams was consistency, and to never give up until all goals were reached.

What I found was if I took small steps to reach my goals, eventually I’d get there. Now that the “problem” areas in my life were addressed, everything else became more clear. It gave me a start.

I strategically planned my life for a year. I wrote it down an stuck to it on a weekly basis. If I didn’t reach my goals that week, I added it to the following week.

As a result of this plan I created in January 2018, I have been able to work for myself the last 6 months.

I’m sharing my story because everyone deserves to live their dreams. We all need a little clarity and guidence sometimes.

Although we don’t have “forever”, and some of our biological clocks are ticking, you may feel this may not apply to you, but dreams are for everyone.

It’s probably been some time since you’ve had a planner, agenda, or notebook. I’d highly recommended getting something to write down your goals. Writing your goals is like a written contract binding you to yourself.

I hope this helps you find clarity in whatever you are looking for. Whether your dream is big or small.

If you don’t have time, below is a great planner and journal. They are top sellers, and are on sale at this time.

Top Selling Business Planner

Hard Cover Journal 50% OFF

Stay Balanced

Holistic Bloodtype Diet: How To Eat For Your Blood Type

Did you know you could become healthier by eating for your specific bloodtype? Yes! It’s true!

Here are the different bloodtypes and the types of foods that fit your health needs…

Type O- Type O Blood requires a high protien diet. This diet consists of beans, grains, vegetables, fish, lean meat, and poultry.

Type A Blood- A diet for type A Blood typically looks like a vegan or vegetarian diet. Why? The reason is because people with type A Blood have a sensative immune system. They thrive in health with a meat-free diet based on vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains. If you can go for organic that’s even better.


Type B Blood– Gaining optimum health as a B Blood type being remains consistant with eating green vegetables, eggs, certain meats, and low fat dairy. Avoiding wheat, lentils, tomatoes, corn, peanuts, buckwheat, and sesame seeds are beneficial in the long run. A certain meat to avoid is chicken.

Type AB- Type AB blood individuals tend to have low stomach acid. This means it would be wise to decrease caffine, alcohol, and cured or smoked meats. Great foods you can include in your diet are seafood, green vegetables, dairy, and tofu.

Here are a few tips to start your journey to eating for your blood type…

1) First start by finding out what your bloodtype is. This may or may not require you to take a trip to your local doctor for a quick blood test. Take your time, don’t get freaked out because you are still not eating properly. Just eat as healthy as you can for the time being. You will still feel good about yourself.

2) Look for recipes with foods you already eat, and see how you can modify and add those items specific to your bloodtype in your meal plan.

3) Lastly, don’t rush if you just found out you haven’t been eating to gain optimum health for your specific make up. To be honest, most of us don’t. Due to the way we were raised, or living in an environment we could not control, we cannot blame ourselves. The only thing we can do is be accountable here on out.

It took years getting here, be fair and allow the damage to correct itslef with time, and good decisions…

Here is a great book to help you along your Holistic Bloodtype Diet Journey! It will explain more in detail how knowing your Bloodtype can benefit every aspect of your life.

Take a look!

A Holistic Life Today: Start With Love

Enjoy loving the life you’ve been given…

When we don’t love the life we’ve been given, we block ourselves from receiving abundant love from the universe.

It’s easy to wish your life was better, everyone does in one way or another, don’t get stuck there though. Understand this is a marathon, a personal one.

Being Holistic means you trust the Universe. It means no matter where your life is now, you truly have to trust and believe you have a connection to your divine self, whom you are ultimately being led by.

If you feel like you’ve been doubting yourslef, take a moment to realize this is your higher-self speaking, letting you know you are longing for satisfaction.

Great! You are on your way today! The fact that you acknowledged your needs means you metaphysically let the Universe know what you want, and it is coming to you now.

As soon as you have these realizations, try your best to allign yourself with those things you desire. As long as you are aligned, the Universe will do the rest.

Sometime today take a moment to think, or write down all of things you are grateful for. Analyze how you feel emotionally. Are you truly grateful for the things you stated? Does it feel natural? Are you saying them because they are basic needs?…

Tapping into these emotions unlock our truest desires over time. Take your time, be patient with yourself, and let the process happen naturally. You will be amazed at the amount of knowlege given to you on your path to help you succeed, and this is when things start to flow abundantly, like water.

Feel free to contact Holistic Sciences for questions, or suggestions on future articles. Stay Well. Stay Balanced.